
Global Demographic Development and Dairy Products Demand

Datum: 2018-01-24 09:33:00Quelle: Herbertz Dairy Food Service



Dr. Reiner Klingholz (Berlin-Institute for Population and Development) will speak about population growth and future dairy products demand on the occasion of the 3rd International Conference on Separation & Drying Technologies, Cologne, March 19 & 20, 2018 (Anuga FoodTec)

World population growth has decreased to 1,2 % per year, down from 2.5 % half a century ago. But in absolute terms there are still more than 80 million people added to the planet each year. World population is expected to grow by some 2 billion until 2050, posing enormous problems for the countries most affected. Nearly all the expected growth will take place in the developing world, mainly in sub-Sahara Africa, where 1 billion additional consumers are expected.

Poverty has been reduced significantly over the last decades, solving some of the malnutrition problems in the developing world. As household incomes are expected to further rise in most of these countries market demand for higher quality food, including dairy products, will grow faster than in the rest of the world.

Global agriculture therefore faces multiple challenges: It has to deliver products for the growing population and at the same time adopt a sustainable production and adapt to climate change. Agricultural production has above all to be intensified in the developing world where todays productivity is way below its potential. This intensification is necessary not only to feed the people but also to create better payed jobs by making more profit from downstream processing of primary agricultural products. Jobs and higher incomes are prerequisite to enable bigger parts of the population to buy food of higher nutrition value.

For additional information visit: www.muva.de/conferences


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